GIT campus bristles with well-planned and comprehensive infrastructure. The campus has well-developed Library, workshops, laboratories, computer center, auditoriums, conference rooms, lecture halls, canteen, cafeteria, hostel, mess, gym, etc. which make studying at GIT Jaipur is a unique and once in a lifetime experience.

- Air Conditioned hostels in the campus
- Double sharing and Triple sharing rooms for boys / girls
- Spacious and well equipped rooms with beds, study tables, book shelves and attached washrooms.
- Wi-Fi Internet facility
- Washing machine on every floor and laundering plant.
Mission of library is to provide value added services to its clients by facilitating creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization and dissemination of knowledge resources.

About the Learning Resource Center
Learning Resource Center of GIT has fully equipped infrastructure with all modern facilities & fully Air-conditioned library. The learning resource center houses a total collection of 50028 latest books in the field of sciences, engineering, technology, humanities, and management. It has rich collection of exhaustive text and reference books with 5906 national and international titles. At present, the library is subscribing of the 275 e-journals (Science Direct) and 138 reputed national and international journals & magazines.
The library hosts an appreciable volume of CD-ROM database, audio-visual material, online video lectures & tutorials, and e-journals.

- Circulation
- Online Resources & Database Service
- OPAC (Online Public Access Cataloguing)
- ILL (Inter Library Loan & Resources sharing facility)
- CAS (Current Awareness Service)
- Reference Services
- Document Selection
- Institutional Membership
- Book-Bank
- Reprography Services/ Printout
- CD-ROM Data Base
- University Previous year papers
- Wi-Fi Internet Facilities
- All the faculty, staff and students are members of the institute library
- No personal belongings, except purses and note books, shall be allowed to be carried with the readers beyond the issue counter. These shall be deposited at the property counter.
- The students shall keep silence within the Library premises.
- No student is allowed to sleep in the Library premises.
- No student is allowed to use mobile phone in the Library.
- Damage of any kind to the books or property in the Library invites imposition of fine.
- Each student shall present his/her ID card along with necessary Reader’s Ticket before any book is issued to his/her.
- Each student is provided with four Reader’s Tickets.
- In case of loss of a Reader’s Ticket, the student must report immediately to the Librarian. Rs 50/- will be charged for replacement of the Reader’s Ticket and the student will be responsible for any book issued on the lost card.
- Students must not lend their Reader’s Ticket to any other student to borrow books from the Library. Library facilities will be withdrawn for such students.
- The books shall be issued to the students for a period of 14 days
- If the students bringing the already issued book in the Library, the details of that book are to be mentioned in the register at the gate before entering the Library. The book will be confiscated in case the entry of the book is not made in the register.
- When books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report the same to the Librarian before leaving the Counter. On returning the books, if pages are found missing, then the last borrower of the book shall be held accountable for the missing pages and shall accordingly be fined.
- In case a book is lost, the student should report to the librarian immediately. The student will have to replace the lost book by a new book of latest edition or pay the necessary fine.
- In case a student gets issued two copies of the same book (the same title, the same author), his/her library card will be cancelled.
- The overdue charge for the books issued for overnight will be Rs 10/- per book per day.
- Newspapers and Magazines/journals should not be taken out from library.
Institutional Membership:
Library has taken institutional membership of the following.
- Elsevier Science Direct
- DELNET (Developing Library Network)
- Indian Society for Technical Education
Book Bank facilities available for students. Books will be issued at the beginning of each semester
Computer And Network Infrastructure In The Library
Library has been working constantly to facilitate the way of knowledge to students through digital technology. The library has been equipped with 35 computers with latest hardware and software configurations. Besides these other facilities like photocopy machine, UPS, scanner and printer are also installed to ensure un-interrupted access to digital knowledge resources
Digital Library:
The library 35 computers and other accessories adequate to cater to the needs of users, 31 PCs are meant for user to access E-Journals, and NPTEL. The library has been Wi-Fi enabled to provide wireless access to the internet.
Sports Facility
Representative and student-run sports are offered at all levels. Getting physically active can help boost your energy, mental health and even academic performance. GIT recognise that different students are motivated by different things. Those who wish to compete seriously can join a sports team and represent the university but there are also other activities, primarily there for fun and enjoyment.

Mess & Cafeteria
The institute has its own food courts, which have emerged as the students’ favorite haunts. The food courts serve quick tangy bites to healthy and nutritious food.