- Grievance/Redressal Cell
- Women Cell
- SC/ST Cell
- Internal Complaint Committee
- Student Discipline Committee
- Internal Quality Assurance Cell
- Institution-Industry Cell
- Sport Club
- R&D Cell
It is good to ar a Grievance rather than to keep it bottled up. Protection of human rights is essential for all round development of an individual’s personality
A Grievance Redressal cell has been constituted at GIT to find solutions for problems like Ragging, Sexual Harassment– any kind of physical or mental harassment,complaints regarding class room teaching–class room management, completion of syllabus, teaching methods etc.
if and when they arise. The cell convenes meetings periodically and takes steps to redress the grievance.
Grievance Redressal typically covers the following types of complaints:
- Injustice concerns (such as over race, caste, sex)
- Staff Misbehavior
- Service Unavailabiliy
- Harassment
In Case of any complaint The students can contact on the given Phone No.:
Faculty | Contact No. | Faculty | Contact No. |
Dr. Ravinder Singh Maan, Chairman | 8386969000 | Mrs. Sushila Mahla [email protected] | 9929756908 |
Dr. Pradeep Jha | 9829121431 | Ms. Ayushi Shukla | 8000376083 |
Mr. Atul Sharma [email protected] | 7597184682 | Mr. Ghanshyam Mishra | 9782326235 |
Anil Shrivastava | 9116161300 | Mr. Gautam Gunjan [email protected] | 8290162932 |
Ragging is a disturbing reality in the higher education system of our country.
Conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or byan act which has effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student. Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or student which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student.
Punishment to those found guilty
- Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges
- Withdrawing scholarship and other benefits
- Suspension from the college for a period of one month
- Debarring from appearing in any sessional test / University Examination
In Case of any complaint the students can contact on the given phone no.:
Faculty | Contact No. | Faculty | Contact No. |
Dr. I. C. Sharma, Chairman | 9001906435 | Dr. Ravinder Singh Maan [email protected] | 8386969000 |
Mr. Ghanshyam Mishra, Convenor | 9782326235 | Ms. Ayushi Shukla | 8000376083 |
SHO | 1412721677 | Mrs. Sushila Mahla | 9929756908 |
Dr. Pradeep Jha | 9829121431 | Mr. Anil Shrivastava | 9116161300 |
Mr. Vishal Rohela [email protected] | 9799810642 | Mr. Amit Bohra | 9828081024 |
The functions of Anti-Ragging Squad will be to keep a vigil and stop the incidences of Ragging, if any, happening / reported in the places of Student aggregation including, Classrooms, Canteens, Buses, Grounds, Hostels etc. Anti-Ragging Committee responsible for inculcating Culture of Ragging Free Environment in the Campus Ragging is totally banned in the College premises and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging is liable to be punished as it is a criminal offence. To prohibit anyact which causes, or is likely
to cause any physical, psychological or psychological harm of apprehension or shame or embarrassment to a student.
To punish those who indulge in Ragging as provided for in these Regulations and the appropriate law in force.
In Case of emergency the students may contact the following:
Faculty | Contact No. | Faculty | Contact No. |
Mr. Ghanshyam Mishra Chairman | 9782326235 | Mr. Arshad Nadeem | 8696865633 |
Dr. Pradeep Jha | 9829121431 | Ms. Ayushi Shukla | 8000376083 |
Dr. Ravinder Singh Maan [email protected] | 8386969000 | Mr. Man Singh, Warden | 9116161216 |
Mr. Santosh Kumar | 8290310531 | Mr. Amit Bohra | 9828081024 |
The women cell of GIT addresses the issues related to women staff & students of the college. Gender Sensitization is the main objective of the cell. The cell makes women students aware of the social responsibilities and gives them mental support to fight against sexual harassment through guidance and counseling. To make students aware of the different problems of the society in general and issues related to women.
The Women Protection Cell is empowered to punish the guilty persons in due consultation with the Dean of the institution. The nature of the punishment is as follows;
- Information to the parents. Written warning.
- Financial punishment
- Information to police for legal inquiry and action (if situation arises so)
- Expelling from college as per rule of university
- The following members can be contacted for assistance:
Contact No.
Contact No.
Mrs. Sushila Mahla,
Presiding officer
Ms. Sonina Shekhawat, Warden
Ms. Megha Sharma
Ms. Apoorva Joshi
Ms. Ayushi Shukla
Ms. Manju Mathur
Dr. Bhawana Mathur
Major Dr. Meeta Singh
The Scheduled Cast (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) Cell
The Scheduled Cast (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) Cell is constituted to promotes the special interest of students in the reserved category. It is expected to provide special inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties for the session.
The cell may conduct regular remedial coaching classes on life skills, personality development, writing assignments and making presentations.
The primary focus of SC-ST Cell is to:
Empower students belonging to the backward sections of societies belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Implementation of various schemes meant for educational purpose through Scheduled Caste and Schedules Tribes Sub- Plan schemes, Reservation Policy co- ordination etc.
In Case of any complaint the students can contact on the given phone no.:
Faculty | Contact No. | Faculty | Contact No. |
Mr. Anil Shrivastava | 9116161300 | Mr. Amit Kumar | 7615000100 |
Mr. Sita Ram Raigar | 9929889289 | Mr. Sonu Kr. Bairwa | 7891765871 |
Dr. Y. K. Gothwal | 9928226729 | Mr. Joy Kutty Daniel | 9460407261 |
Mr. Bhomesh Singh | 7737026310 | Mr. Ram Kunwar Khilery | 9772058934 |
Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
An Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) is constituted under the provisions of Section 4 of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act. 2013 for the Session. Complaints of sexual harassment shall be lodged with the Committee and appropriate disciplinary action is initiated by the members in accordance to the rules and regulations of the college.
the working of of the Internal Complaints Committee is:
Implementation of the Internal Complaints Committee Policy relating to the prevention of sexual harassment.
To submit the preliminary enquiry report to the principal.
All complaints will be dealt with confidentially.
In Case of any complaint, students can contact on the given phone no:
Faculty | Contact No. | Faculty | Contact No. |
Mrs. Sushila Mahla, Chair Person | 9929756908 | Dr. Pradeep Jha | 9829121431 |
Mr. Ghanshyam Mishra | 9782326235 | Ms. Ayushi Shukla | 8000376083 |
Dr. Ravinder Singh Maan [email protected] | 8386969000 | Ms. Sonina Shekhawat, Warden | 9116161283 |
Mr. Atul Sharma [email protected] | 7597184682 | Mr. Abhay Purohit | 9782606033 |
Student Discipline Committee
The members of this cell have to follow this points as under :
- The Student Discipline Committees constituted for the maintenance of discipline in the college. The committee will ensure that students obey rules and remain orderly and peaceful in the pursuant of educational objectives/goals in the college
- The Committee is responsible to follow all the Discipline as well as to check that the ‘Code of Conduct’ should properly follow by each & everyone who belongs to college.
- Students shall not engage themselves in action that are offensive to good and are disservice to succeeding generation of students of the college.
- Students must observe strict discipline in the campus; behave with dignity and courtesy to the principal, faculty members, administrative staff, visitors and fellow students.
- No student shall bring in to the college campus or hostels any banner, flag, board, notice, pamphlet or other such materials for purpose of any political activity of student organizations or other organizations.
- No meeting or entertainment shall be organized nor any fund collected in the college or the hostels without the permission of the principal.
- Students should not go outside the college during class hours. In the event of unavoidable necessity, they should seek special permission of the Principal / Head of the Department.
- Staff members/Discipline Committee shall have the powers to deny admission to students to classes/office/ labs/library/meetings/cultural programs and other programs in the case of violation of the dress code of the college.
- No student shall use or keep in possession alcoholic drinks or drugs. Using/keeping of these items will lead to immediate expulsion of the student from the college and hostels.
Contact No.
Contact No.
Dr. Pradeep Jha, Chairman
Mrs. Sushila Mahla
Dr. Ravinder Singh Maan [email protected]
Ms. Manju Mathur
Mr. Atul Sharma [email protected]
Mr. Pankaj Jain
Mr. Ghanshyam Mishra
Mr. Amit Bohra
Dr. I.C. Sharma (HOI) Principal
Dr. I.C. Sharma (HOI) Principal
- Dr. Pradeep Jha : Convener IQAC, GIT
- Mrs. Sushila Mahla : Member
- Mr. Atul Sharma : Member
- Mr. Ghanshyam Mishra : Member
- Dr. Ravinder Singh Maan : Member
- Md. Usman : Member
- Mr. Amit Bohra : Member
- Mr. Pankaj Jain : Member
- Mr. Vishal Rohela : Member
The Global Institute of Technology (GIT) Institution-Industry Cell is established to synchronize the quality of education to meet the current trends and needs of industry. With an effective IIC the institute aims to produce employable students i.e., “Industry-Ready students.”
The activities of the IIC are:
➢ To strengthen the relationship between industries and institutes as an ongoing interaction between the Industry and Institute is essential.
➢ It organizes symposiums, seminars, webinars and workshops by inviting the industry experts as resource persons to share the experience and expertise between institutions and industry for mutual benefits. This helps to integrate industrial training and other inputs to develop students.
➢ The IIC also arranges industrial visits, internships for students and guest faculty from industry experts.
➢ Industry Institute partnership reflects in equipping faculty to latest practices and makes the students industry-ready by providing exposure to current industry practices, and hones their skills to adapt changing technologies.
➢ The primary focus of IIC is to interact with elite industries and extend the efforts in establishing partnership with industries across the country in near future.
Faculty | Contact No. | Faculty | Contact No. |
Mr. Arshad Nadeem, TPO | 8696865633 | Mr. Ghanshyam Mishra | 9782326235 |
Mr. Praveen Sharma, [email protected] | 7023004256 | Mr. Ravi Hada | 9983762002 |
Mr. Pradeep Jha [email protected] | 9829121431 | Mr. Ravinder Singh Maan [email protected] | 8386969000 |
The Club is formed, developed, governed and administrated by the student & faculty representatives to encourage physical activities and sports. The aim is to bring together all the faculty and participate in Institutional-level and State-Level Sports.
Mission Statements:
The Sports club organizes Inter-collegiate Sports to provide leadership and recreation opportunities to the students and faculty in order to enhance their knowledge and skill in a specific sport of interest while at the same time retaining social, cognitive and physical experiences.
Goals of the Sports Club Program:
To provide leadership experiences for the students body at State & National Level Competitions.
To provide recreational opportunities for the students retain their interest towards sports.
To maintain communication with the College officials to conducts sports and games much effectively in a scheduled way.
Faculty | Contact No. | Faculty | Contact No. |
Mr. Amit Kumar | 7615000100 | Ms. Ayushi Shukla | 8000376083 |
Mr. Pradeep Jha | 9829121431 | Ms. Sonina Shekhawat, Warden | 9116161283 |
Mr. Ravinder Singh Maan | 8386969000 | Mr. Ghanshyam Mishra | 9782326235 |
Mr. S. S. Dua | 9887552788 | Mr. Pankaj Jain | 9252248721 |
Research and Development (R&D) Cell
Global Institute of Technology established a Research and Development (R & D) cell. Research and
Development (R&D) cell is responsible for driving innovation and growth within the Institution.
Here are some of the key duties of R&D cell:
➢ Generate New Ideas: Foster a culture of innovation and encourage employees to submit new ideas
for services, or processes.
➢ Evaluate and Prioritize Ideas: Assess the feasibility, potential impact, and alignment with business
objectives of new ideas.
➢ To promote innovation and foster the creation of fresh technologies, the Institution has established
an R&D cell.
Collaboration and Partnerships:
➢ Collaborate with Cross-Functional Teams: Work with teams across the organization and
manufacturing, to ensure R&D efforts align with educational objectives.
➢ Establish Partnerships: Develop partnerships with external organizations, such as universities,
research institutions, or other companies, to access new technologies, expertise.
➢ Manage Intellectual Property: Ensure the protection of intellectual property (IP) generated by R&D
efforts, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
Project Management and Execution:
➢ Develop Project Plans: Create project plans, including timelines, budgets, and resource allocation,
to ensure successful execution of R&D projects.
➢ Manage Project Resources: Allocate and manage resources, including personnel, equipment, and
budget, to support R&D projects.
➢ Monitor and Report Progress: Track progress, identify and mitigate risks, and report on R&D
project status to stakeholders.
Knowledge Management and Dissemination
➢ Document and Share Knowledge: Capture and document R&D knowledge, including lessons
learned, best practices, and IP.
➢ Disseminate Knowledge: Share R&D knowledge across the organization to support innovation,
improve decision-making, and enhance competitiveness.
➢ Develop Training Programs: Create training programs to ensure that employees have the necessary
skills and knowledge to support R&D efforts.
The Institute has formed the cell with the following member:
Faculty | Contact No. | Faculty | Contact No. |
Dr Pradeep Jha [email protected] | 9829121431 | Mr. Atul Sharma [email protected] | 7597184682 |
Dr. Reema Ajmera [email protected] | 9414248457 | Mr. Naween Jha [email protected] | 9950501750 |
Dr. Ravinder Singh Maan [email protected] | 8386969000 | Dr. Y.K Gothwal [email protected] | 8441002648 |